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June Magazine 2008


Dear Fellow Members, Since my last report the refurbishment of the fi rst fl oor meeting room has been completed. Our meeting rooms, as well as proving invaluable to our various sub-clubs, are a source of welcome revenue from a number of organisations who fully appreciate the facilities and ambience of our Club. The decision of your Board to outsource our catering took effect on 5th May. There were a small number of teething problems which were promptly addressed but overall the transition was smooth. Diners on the second fl oor are enjoying the choice offered by new, improved and enlarged menus. New menus for Cello’s will follow. The long awaited improvements to air conditioning on fl oors 6 to 11 are programmed to commence on 21st July, I ask members to bear with us over any inconvenience which may occur.

April Magazine 2008


Dear Fellow Members, When I last reported to you we were in the midst of voting for the new Board to serve you until November 2009. As a result of the election, Lindsey Graham, Charles Lucre and Douglas Cumming were replaced on the Board by Graham Bryne, Ross Delaney and Andrew Colls. At our Annual General Meeting I made specifi c mention of the work done by the three outgoing Board members and I thank them again for all they did during their respective tenures. The new Board members are proving active in their participation in our deliberations. At the time of writing some 284 members have yet to renew their membership. A fi nal reminder has been sent to them and I trust all will return to the fold and continue to enjoy all that our Club has to offer. Our Christmas Season was, as usual, very busy with those special Club luncheons and a host of private functions held in the Club.

June Magazine 2007


Dear Fellow Members, I begin by drawing to your attention the General Meeting of the Club to be held on Monday 25th June in Cello’s Restaurant at 1pm. At this meeting resolutions will be put forward about ending the services of our auditors Messrs Travis & Travis (after 10 years) and appointing new auditors. I hope that my letter which accompanies the notice convening the meeting satisfactorily sets out the reasons for the Board convening the meeting. Our trading for March was very profi table with a decline in April as a result of three broken weeks (Easter and Anzac Day). Overall our results are very satisfactory. Our Anzac Day functions and service were well attended and we again enjoyed music from the MacLeod Pipe Band. The General Manager, with Board approval, has been upgrading our poker machines

March Magazine 2007


Dear Fellow Members, Much has occurred in our busy Club since I last reported to you. Our Annual General Meeting held on 27th November last was well attended. The fi nancial statements were adopted and each of the Two Special and Five Ordinary Resolutions, full copies of which appeared in the October Edition of the Club magazine, were duly passed. The Christmas season proved as busy as ever, with many organisations choosing to celebrate within the ambience of the Club. Our two Club Christmas lunches were well attended and our now famous Christmas Day lunch was booked out well in advance. Of particular importance was the Staff Christmas party which was well attended and enjoyed by all, including Louise whose performance late in the day left a lasting impression on our General Manager.

October Magazine 2006 – Includes 2005/2006 Annual Report

President's Report

Dear Fellow Members, Our Annual General Meeting will be conducted on Monday 27th November 2006 commencing at 1pm. It marks the completion of another year of profi table trading which compares favorably with our 2005 result. I draw your attention to the notice of that Meeting which appears on page 5 of this edition of our Magazine and commend your attention to the Directors’ Report for the year ended 30 June 2006 and the Financial Statements which also appear in these pages. The President’s Dinner was conducted in Cello’s Restaurant on Saturday 2nd September with approximately 95 in attendance. Our Guests of Honour again included our Patron, M W Bro Tony Lauer whose wife Joy was unfortunately unable to attend because of last minute baby sitting problems. My thanks...

July Magazine 2006

President's Report

Dear Fellow Members, The General Manager’s Report in this magazine outlines the work done in hotel rooms and fire services upgrading. Necessary repairs to windows at the front of the building have commenced. Your Board is actively pursuing heritage grants to assist with the cost not only of this work but also future repairs to the western wall. Your Board is conscious of the need to replace air conditioning equipment on the upper fl oors of the hotel as well as improving air conditioning standards on fl oors 6 and 7. I anticipate that at our strategic planning forum decisions will be made about priorities in relation to these various projects and other works. In our last magazine I mentioned that as at December last our membership stood at 3228. The Christmas/ New Year period a number of our members did not renew their membership despite polite reminders.

April Magazine 2006

President's Report

Dear FellowMembers, Since my last report much has happened in thelife of our Club. The Board elections conducted in November saw two of our directors, Iris Morgan and Warren French, not offering themselves for re-election. I thank them on your behalf for their wholehearted contribution over past years to the successful running of the Club. Their places have been filled by Doug Cumming and Charles Lucre. The Board elected Vice President, Lindsay Payne and our Treasurer,Stephen Bates, as Convenors respectively of the House, Supply & Staff Committee and the Finance Committee. I look forward to working closely with both of them and with our ubiquitous General Manager, Warren Lewis. Our Annual General Meeting was conducted on 28th November in Cello’s Restaurant with 54 members in attendance including our Patron Tony Lauer. I thank all those whose contributions ensured a prompt and effi cient dispatch of the business to be conducted.

October Magazine 2005 – Includes 2004/2005 Annual Report

President's Report

Dear Fellow Members, Our Annual General Meeting will be conducted at 1pm on Monday 28th November. It marks the completion of another year of profi table trading. I draw your attention to the notice about that meeting setting out the business to be conducted. I commend to your perusal the Directors’ Report for the year ended 30th June 2005 and the Financial Statements which accompany it. The President’s Dinner was conducted in Cello’s Restaurant on 24th September with approximately 90 guests in attendance. Our guests of honour were our Patron M.W. Bro Tony Lauer and his wife, Joy, the Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro Greg Levenston and the Grand Secretary R.W. Bro Kevin McGlinn and their respective partners. The attendance of these guests marks the close ties your Board has established with the United Grand Lodge of NSW and the ACT during the last year.