President's Report
Dear FellowMembers, Since my last report much has happened in thelife of our Club. The Board elections conducted in November saw two of our directors, Iris Morgan and Warren French, not offering themselves for re-election. I thank them on your behalf for their wholehearted contribution over past years to the successful running of the Club. Their places have been filled by Doug Cumming and Charles Lucre. The Board elected Vice President, Lindsay Payne and our Treasurer,Stephen Bates, as Convenors respectively of the House, Supply & Staff Committee and the Finance Committee. I look forward to working closely with both of them and with our ubiquitous General Manager, Warren Lewis. Our Annual General Meeting was conducted on 28th November in Cello’s Restaurant with 54 members in attendance including our Patron Tony Lauer. I thank all those whose contributions ensured a prompt and effi cient dispatch of the business to be conducted.Download