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July Magazine 2005

President's Report

Dear Fellow Members, Since I last reported to you, much has happened in the life of our Club. Firstly our hotel has been upgraded from category 3.5 star to 4 star. This not only refl ects our improving standards but also brings us into a more lucrative market and your Board looks forward to increased income from our hotel business. To keep pace with our new category the Board approved and the Chief Executive Offi cer has carried out in an effi cient, timely and cost effi cient way the upgrading of 40 of our 83 bedrooms (together with the corridors) as Phase 1 of our hotel refurbishment program. The second phase is being prepared and costed for Board approval.In addition, new cabling will be installed to improve television reception in the rooms.

April Magazine 2005

President's Report

Dear Members, The previous President’s Message came to you from our beloved late President, Bill Wright. That message was received by most of you just before Christmas. When Bill wrote his last message to you he was still confident of returning to lead and guide this Club in 2005. His words were “I look forward to meeting up with you in the New Year”. In another part of this magazine you will be reminded of some of Bill’s professional and personal history and his place within this Club. Our rules do not foresee such a tragic event as the death of a President whilst in office and there is no provision to appoint a President in the circumstances. The Board Members unanimously asked me to act in the role of President until the next elections.