b'NEW SOUTH WALES MASONIC CLUBABN 79 000 003 289YourdirectorspresenttheirreportontheNewDevelopmentofarefurbishmentand SouthWalesMasonicClub(theClub)forthemaintenance program designed to uphold the financial year ended 30 June 2020. heritage status of the building and enhance the The names, qualifications, experience and specialquality of the facilities available to Members; andresponsibilities of the directors in office at any timeMaintenanceofbestpracticetechnologyto during, or since the end of, the year are: maximisereturnsfromaccommodationand Stephen George Bates, B. Bus, CA. ancillary revenue streams for the benefit of the Club.Elected to the Board in 1996. New Accounting Standards ImplementedOccupation: Director, Watson Erskine & Co PtyThe principal activities of the Club during the year Ltd, Chartered Accountants. DIRECTORS REPORT weretoprovideMemberswithamenitiesand President since 23 November 2015. facilities usually associated with a Licensed Social Graham William Byrne, BA FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Club and to operate a boutique hotel at not less than Elected to the Board on 26 November 2007. a four-star standard. No significant change in the Occupation: Managing Director, Graham Byrne &nature of these activities occurred during the year.Associates Pty Ltd, Management Consultants. William Redpath Theseactivitieshaveassistedinachievingthe Special Responsibilities: Convenor, FinanceElected to the Board on 25 November 2019. short and long term objectives of the Club by being Committee. Occupation: Retired. consistent in all respects with those objectives.Robert Eaglesham, Dip. AII Special Responsibilities: Member, House SupplyThe Club measures its own performance through Elected to the Board on 23 November 2015. and Staff Committee. theuseofbothquantitativeandqualitative Occupation: Company Director. Directors have been in office since the start ofbenchmarks.Thebenchmarksareusedbythe Vice President since 25 November 2019. the financial year to the date of this report unlessdirectors to assess the financial sustainability of Special Responsibilities: Convenor, House Supplyotherwise stated. the company and whether the Clubs short-term and Staff Committee. Meetings of Directors and long-term objectives are being achieved. Key During the financial year, the Board of Directorsperformance benchmarks used include:Allan Ezzy, AM, APM, Justice of the Peace met on 12 occasions, the House, Supply and StaffAverage monthly room rate for Elected to the Board on 28 November 2011.Committee met on 13 occasions and the Financeaccommodation;Retired on 25 November 2019. Average monthly room rate for Occupation: Police Officer. Retired. Committee met on 12 occasions. The number ofaccommodation net of commissions;Special Responsibilities: Convenor, House SupplymeetingsattendedbyeachdirectorduringtheMonthly occupancy rate for accommodation;and Staff Committee. year out of the total number possible were:Alice (Kate) Foot, B. Ed (Adults) Monthly EBITDA against budget;Elected to the Board on 23 November 2015.Board Committees Monthly departmental operating results Retired on 25 November 2019. SG Bates 12/12 23/25 against budget;Occupation: Company Director. Cash flow forecasting;Special Responsibilities: Member, House SupplyGW Byrne 10/12 11/13 Function enquiries capture rate;and Staff Committee. RJ Eaglesham 12/12 14/16 Feedback from members, guests and social John Joseph Moore, AM, RFD, ED, HDA A Ezzy 5/5 5/5 media;Elected to the Board on 2 July 2008. Elected ViceK Foot 4/5 4/5 Survey of members and guests;President on 23 November 2015. Retired on 25Membership growth;November 2019. S Hodgson 7/7 8/8 Capital expenditure program against set Occupation: Public Relations Consultant. JJ Moore 3/5 5/5 milestones; andSpecial Responsibilities: Vice President; Member,P Read 11/12 11/13 Monitoring of regular training programs for House Supply and Staff Committee. employees.Peter Read, B. Bus, CPA, Justice of the Peace W Redpath 7/7 10/10 Operating ResultsElected to the Board on 23 November 2015. SC Wearne 10/12 11/13 Thelossfortheyearamountedto$348,056 Occupation: Principal, Present and AccountedP Zeilic 10/12 12/12 (2019 profit: $51,074) after allowing for income For, Strategic Financial Consultants. tax expense.Special Responsibilities: Treasurer; Member,Clubs Objectives Review of OperationsFinance Committee, Member House Supply andThe Clubs short term objectives are to: ThehighlyinfectiouscoronavirusCOVID-19 Staff Committee. Provide its Members with bars, restaurant/bistro,was declared a pandemic by the World Health Stephen Caldwell Wearne, FCA meeting rooms, function rooms and a high qualityOrganisation on 11 March 2020. The pandemic Elected to the Board on 2 March 2005. of service; hashadacatastrophichumanimpactand Occupation: Director, Boroughs Australia Pty Ltd,Provide Members and guests with high qualityeconomic cost worldwide. The consequences for Chartered Accountants. accommodation facilities; the Australian economy are likely to be far-reaching Special Responsibilities: Member, FinanceProvide Members and guests with service of theand long-lasting, with the first recession in almost Committee. highest practical level; three decades confirmed in early September. The Peter Zeilic, B. Sc., B. Arch, M. Proj Mgmt, JusticeProvideMembersandguestswithahighinitial impact on the Club was an immediate and of the Peace standard of food and beverage offering; and dramaticreductioninaccommodationrevenue, Elected to the Board on 23 November 2009. Provideappropriatetrainingforstaffandcoupledwiththeneedtostanddownmost Occupation: Managing Director, Peter Zeilic Ptydirectors. employees.Ltd, trading as Dimension 5 Design ArchitectureThe Clubs long term objectives are to: The impact of COVID-19 has had a serious impact & Project Management. Continually upgrade the quality of the hotel inon the Clubs revenue for the year with a significant Special Responsibilities: Member, House Supplyorder to maximise its commercial returns for thedecline in contribution from the accommodation and Staff Committee. overall betterment of the Club and the facilitiessegment.Thefoodandbeveragecontribution StephenHodgson,Dip.Co.Directorship,Dip.it provides to its Members; and declined due to COVID-19 and closure of the Clubs Forensic Medicine, Justice of the Peace Continually upgrade the quality of service offeredfood and beverage operations from 23 March to 1 Elected to the Board on 25 November 2019. by staff. June 2020. As a result, the contribution achieved Occupation: Managing Director, KASH ImagesfromalloftheClubsoperationalareaswas Pty Ltd, Forensic Inspection Reporting Services &To achieve these objectives the Club has adopted$687,000 lower than the previous year. Investment Testing (FIRST) the following strategies: and other revenue was $227,000 lower than the Special Responsibilities: Treasurer, Member,Developmentofanintegratedcapitalpreviousyearduetolowerrentalandinterest Finance Committee. improvements program funded from retainedincome and losses on the disposal of PP&E, whilst and current earnings; costs were $478,000 lower than the previous year, 10NSW Masonic Club October 2020'